In last of 1980's, there's many kind of kid's toy, one of the best is papper with pictures in it, 36 pictures content. Any kind of themes will be a chosen by kids, especially boys. Not leave it at all, football themes was become favourited beside cartoon movie themes. Italy football team with blue shirt, Scotland, Denmark football player Brian Laudrup.
Football wall picture in room, was giving memorable feel rising, a Juventus football team, when Platini (France footballer) still become Juventus squad. Platini is a star striker at the time of 1980's being.
Book for write, during World Cup Mexico 1986 held, Argentina and Brasil were become favourite theme. Maradona from Argentina and the goalkeeper Pumpido, and then Muller, a Brasil footballer.
At past, football was look beauty, all days the time are spent with play and play, laugh like not have problem, kiddy time is a happiness time.